1-2 déc. 2022 Clermont-Ferrand (France)


Jeudi 1er décember 2022


09h 00  Simone Bertoli (Directeur du CERDI, UCA)

09h 10  Cécile Batisse, Arnaud Diemer, Florine Garlot, Timothy Marcroft, Manuel Morales 

09h 20 Sophie Chiari (Directrice de la MSH)

09h 30 - 10h 30 Conférencier : Jorgen Randers (Limits to Growth) - ERASME Prize

10h 30 – 10h 45   Questions  

10h 45 – 11h 20 Conférencière: Sandrine Dixson Declève (Co-President du Club of Rome)

11h 20 - 12h 35  Session 1 " Limits to growth, Club of Rome and Scientific Network « 

             Président : Jorgen Randers (Author of Limits to Growth)

Diemer A. Robinson G. (UCA, CERDI, ERASME, OPCD, HVL), Batisse C. (UCA, CERDI, ERASME),  Ferrari S., Garnier F.,  (University Bordeaux, France, Gretha) « Limits to growth, 1972 to 2022 : Fifty years of debates and controversial issues with the economists »

Elodie Veille Blanchard (OPCD, France), « Limits to Growth Report and the blind points »

Jonathan Dawes (University of Bath, UK), « Limits to Growth Report : Applying network Science to the Sustainable Development Goals »

Franck-Dominique Vivien, Romain Debref  (University of Reims,, France),  Sylvie Ferrari (University of Bordeaux, France), “LtG & Stockholm + 50” : Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's activist involvement in bioeconomics, degrowth and the Antropocene »

12h 30 - 13h 45 Repas

13h 45 - 14h 30 Conférencier : Timothée Parrique (Lund University, Sweden, OPCD)

14h 30 - 15h 45 Session 2 " LtG, Post-growth and degrowth " 

Président : Steven Stone (PNUE)

Felix Barbour, Jefim Vogel, Juan Rocha (Sotckholm University, Sweden, Leeds University, UK), The untapped potential of redistribution for meeting human needs at low material use

Vincent Liegey (Cargonomia, Hungary, OPCD), From Limits to Growth Report to Degrowth, Convergence and divergence »

Max Koch (Lund University, Sweden), Studying Degrowth Transformations : Some Theoretical and Empirical Results

15h 45 - 16h 00 Pause 

16h 00 - 16h 15 Hommage à Herman Daly 

16h 15 - 17h 15 Conférencier : Peter Victor (York University, Canada)

17h 15 – 18h 30  Table ronde « How LtG change the way of understanding the future ? »

Steven Stone (PNUE), Jorgen Randers, Robert Costanza (Club de Rome), Joyeeta Gupta (Amsterdam University), Birgit Daiber (European Parliament Former Member), Elodie Vieille Blanchard (Moderator)

19h 00  Accueil Cocktail Mairie de Clermont Ferrand, 10 rue Philippe Marcombes

                                        Prix  Jean Monnet ERASME (Jorgen Randers) et Prix Donella Meadows (David Collste)

20h 30 Dîner "Brasserie du Jardin", 55 Bd François Mitterrand, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand


Vendredi 2 décembre 2022


9h - 10h 00 Keynote speaker :  Robert Costanza (University College London, UK)

10h 00 - 10 45 Keynote Speaker : Nathalie Spittler (University of Boku, Austria, ERASME)

11h 00 - 12h 15  Session 3 " LtG, how to re-shape the future ? »

President : Joyeeta Gupta (Amsterdam University, Netherlands)

Joeri Sol (University of Amsterdam, Netherland), Economic growth and extinction threat for short-ranged species

Constantin von Bec (HVL, Norway), The energy “problematique” – Energy community storage for sufficiency

Christopher Proctor (Université Technologique de Compiègne, France), Modeling “Green Growth”: Exploring the possibility of positive mitigation “costs” in a demand-led economic framework

Edson Pereira de Souza Leao Neto, Vitória Oliveira Pereira de Souza Leão (University Estudal de Campinas), Vernacular forms-of-living: practical propositions for limits to food markets 

12h 15 - 13h 30 Repas 

13h 30 - 14h 15 Keynote speaker : David Collste (SRC, Sweden, ERASME) - Donella Meadows Prize 

14h 15 – 15h 30 Session 4 : « Impacts of LtG on new research fields »

President : Jennifer Hinton (Lund University, Sweden)

Paulo Eduardo Moruzzi Marques, Bianca Frota Torres, Carolina Schiesari, Fabio Frattini Marchetti, Gabriela Mendonça, Luciana Leme, Roberta Moraes Curan, Pierre-Mathieu Le Bel (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), “Limits to Growth” and the emergence of an ecological justice: an analysis through the prism of the sociology of justifications

Juliana Salazar, Cristian Mendez (University of Cauca, Colombia), Systemic and multidisciplinary approach for sustainable management of coffee farms as an agricultural responsible planning framework

Gökçe Manavgat, Ayhan Demirci (University of Toros, Turkey), The Impact of Renewable Energy, Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Industry Added Value on Health: Bootstrap Regression on Upper Middle-Income Courtiers

Valeria Schwanitz, August Wierling, Heather Arghandeh Paudler, Constantin von Beck, Simon Dufner, Ingrid Knutsdotter Koren, Tobias Kraudzun, Timothy Marcroft, Lukas Müller, Jan Pedro Zeiss (HVL, Norway), Statistical evidence for the contribution of citizen-led projects to the energy transition in Europe

15h 30 – 15h 45 Pause

15h 45  – 16h 30 Conférencière :  Joyeeta Gupta (Amsterdam University, Netherlands)

16h 30  Fin de la Célébration - Lancement de la revue Mondes en Décroissance 

              Jenneth Parker (Schumacher Institute, UK) - 50 years of Small is beautiful (June, 17th, 2023, Bristol)

19h 30  Dîner Brasserie du Jardin, 55 Bd François Mitterrand, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand

Program (pdf)

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